Studio Publivox tuottaa mainosvideot ja dokumentit kustannustehokkaasti hyödyntäen uusinta tekoälyteknologiaa.

Laadukas video rakentaa luottamusta niin yritysten välisessä (B2B) kuin 

kuluttajamarkkinoinnissa (B2C) – erityisesti asiakassuhteen alkuvaiheessa.

Toteutamme avaimet käteen -periaatteella:

  • Somesisällöt, yritysesittely, musiikki-, matkailu-, 
  • kunta-, tuote-esittely- tai dokumentti-videot.

Intohimona laadukkaiden ja esteettisesti modernien videoiden tuottaminen!

In addition to traditional photography, we offer fresh photography techniques, including
360° Re-Framing, Makro Slide, Time Lapse, wire-timelapse and Aerial HyperLapse techniques.

We strive to be involved in the new models offered by AI and digitization, not first,
but among the first. New solutions for cost-effective video production 
will be available as early as 2024, both on behalf of AI and with digitization.

By combining innovative shooting methods and generative artificial intelligence,
we may well be one of the most reasonable choices in Finland in terms of price-quality

when you are looking for a partner for Time-Line production
without forgetting traditional documentary video production models. 

Through us you can get Out-Door shootings, as well as green screen studio shootings up to online events.

Gimbal, Slider and the final touch for professional cameras can be found in the wire department
to keep the image fresh and lively.



Sami J Kosonen
puh. 040 577 9444